You Can’t Heal What You Don’t Let Yourself Feel

When you don’t let yourself feel certain emotions, when you suppress and repress, when you push it away for another day.
In other words, each time that you do not allow your body to fully process and feel an emotion and go through a release, that energy gets stored.

Emotions are just vibrating energy. Energy in motion. Everything on this planet has a vibration and every single thing is made up of vibrating particles on the atomic and subatomic levels that produces, perceives and emits energy at a particular frequency. Including anything in our physical body. Heart, brain, emotions, thoughts, beliefs, EVERYTHING has a vibrational frequency to it.

Unfelt negative emotions in the body create energy blocks which keeps that energy from flowing up and being released.
So if emotions like anger, fear, grief, and jealousy get trapped in your body you can see how it can lead to a constant state of low energy and your body causing illness, pain, diseases. Your body operating at a lower frequency will match the vibrations of being prone to being injured, ill or in a diseased state.

In order to heal that energy to transform it you have to go and put the work into it, you have to go back and tune in the areas of your body that hurts and feel uncomfortable. Oftentimes that’s where the stagnant energy is often resting. You have to go and listen to those parts of your body.

Fibromyalgia, Crohn’s disease, IBS, muscle tension, scoliosis, chronic pain, chronic fatigue, feeling stuck, and many psychological disorders are often a result of unhealed trauma and stored emotions.


The Change Triangle


Go, Change