Chakra Webinar
The history of chakras dates back to ancient India and well before the time of Jesus Christ. Chakras are our wheels of energy, our energy centres. Chakras are also thought to be gates or portals to different levels of consciousness. How opened, balanced, closed, blocked, overactive or under-active, your chakras are have a profond effect on your health and well-being. Since everything is energy and energy is the foundation of everything, our health and well-being is a reflection of what has been chronically happening on the energetic levels. Our chakras hold informations hidden from our conscious mind or day-to-day awareness. The opening of your chakras often brings these to light and transformative energies into your life.
In this webinar, you will learn about the 7 main chakras students of Eastern medicine focus on, how they work, their elements, their connection to our physical body, what each chakras correspond to and relate with, common issues, how to open/balance/connect with your chakras, how to meditate on your chakras and more.