Upcoming events.

Chakra Course & Training

Chakra Course & Training

Our Chakra Course & Training is designed to help you achieve a deeper understanding of the 7 main chakras, develop practical skills to activate and balance them, and enhance your overall well-being. With the guidance of Melanie, certified shamanic practitioner and hands-on learning experiences, you'll be able to unlock new levels of understanding and spiritual growth. As a practitioner you will be able to extend your knowledge and understanding of the chakras and energy to a much higher level and deepen your connection to your client’s energy field.

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Private Chakra Course & Training

Book your private Chakra Course & Training below or for more info please leave us your email and a short message.

Future Events

To be up to date for all future events including guided meditations, and to be on the wait-list for our next Group Chakra Course & Training, please leave us your email and a short message.