Melanie is a “born teacher”, a writer, a Certified Shamanic Practitioner in Peruvian Medicine, a Reiki Practitioner, a Yoga Teacher, and a Holistic Healer. She is passionate about psychosomatic symptoms and the release of trauma stored in the body. She takes a practical, spiritual, and trauma-informed approach to her practice. Incorporating the mind, body, and spirit is a fundamental part of her medicine. Melanie started her healing journey in 2015 and had to go through a journey of its own to heal herself energetically, emotionally, psychologically, physically, and spiritually. Although she always felt herself to be a healer within, it is only in 2020 that she got the call to grow into it. It became clear when she enrolled in a Shamanism Apprenticeship with Janice & Pierre at “Innzen Wellness" in 2021 that this was the path she had envisioned taking to fulfill her dreams and own purpose to bring healing here on this earth. Through learning different techniques and healing modalities, Melanie has learned to accommodate her sessions to her client’s needs. Melanie loves to learn and experience life. She wishes to practice her own medicine while continuing her studies in Health Sciences and Psychology.

Melanie is a proud member of the Academy of Naturopaths and Naturotherapists of Canada. Her services are covered by most insurance companies with her association number #24-6960.


Melanie lives in Dieppe and offer her services at Souluma Acupuncture & Wellness in Moncton, N.-B., online, and is available to travel for sessions arrangements.

All services are offered in English and French.

Contact Melanie for more info.