Go, Change
Nothing will change if you don’t change
So maybe it’s time to get back up again
Maybe it’s time for you to change your ways
Because your future doesn’t care about your past
Your future is what you do now
It’s all in the now
The present moment
Take a moment and see it
With your real eye I mean
The one between the two others
And don’t neglect your rest because you’ll need it
Ok you?
Yeah YOU
always get back up
And GO
Go for it
With all that you are
All that you are not
Just go
Do it
Do it anyway
Dream big
And follow your intuition
The voice that knows
Surrender to the greater power
Give all your love to the world
Spread your joy
In all that you see
In all that you’re aware of
In all that you’re conscious of
You are light
See the light
So be it
And spread love
You are love itself
Do you see it now?