The Change Triangle

We now know that stored emotions or unfelt negative emotions create energy blocks.

My personal favourite tool to when it comes to working with emotions is the change triangle. I first heard about the change triangle in this book called “It’s Not Always Depression” by H. Jacobs Hendel.

It is a map, a guide, that will help you bring yourself from a place of disconnection back to your true authentic self.

(Attached image below)

Core emotions and how we express them physically is essence to our overall well-being. Essentially, they are the doorway to regulating our mind and body.

When your body is regulated you go into an open hearted state in which you feel calm, curious, compassionate, connected, and in a clear state of mind. Which is our ultimate goal.

But when confronted with childhood trauma, insecure attachments, harsh conditions and situations where you were not allowed to express certain emotions or even mocked for particular behaviours, your body turns to inhibitory emotions or restrictive feelings such as shame, guilt, and anxiety that prevents us from being in touch with our core emotions.

We then do our best to protect ourselves against feeling. Consciously or unconsciously we create a barrier.
It is when we stop ourselves from feeling that it potentially turns into a problem. We often get stuck in defences: depression, self harm, procrastination, overstimulation, obsession, addiction, and anything that we do to avoid feeling or/and that keeps us from being in touch with our core emotions. The list really goes on here.

Here is a simple exercise to get you started and “unstuck”

1. Identify in which corner you find yourself the most in.
2. Pause, take a moment to process it.
3. Try to identify what core emotions you are feeling at this exact moment you are doing this exercise. Name each that you can.
4. Feel the discomfort, take a breath of white healing light, release it.


Be That Person


You Can’t Heal What You Don’t Let Yourself Feel