Going Home Meditation
You can practice this anywhere. A common favourite is to lay flat on your back or curled up in fetal position. Start by closing your eyes and breathing in with your nose and exhaling a little slower with your mouth. If big exhalations or sounds need to come out let it, and then go back to the breath.
Now keeping your eyes closed, look through your third-eye, right in-between both of your eyes. Keep your eyes there and breathe. Relax your eyes, eyebrows, lessen your jaw, relax your shoulders and keep on breathing.
Thoughts can start flashing by, your eyes can start twitching, but stay present through your breath. Do not try to stop yourself from thinking. Do not judge yourself or try to analyse. Sit behind your thoughts and emotions and allow yourself to bring your consciousness to being an observer. Release what needs to be released, feel what needs to be felt, but just allow yourself to really sit behind and watch as you go back home to yourself.