But I still look at the sky
I remember being a kid and looking up at the sky
Not your chasing the sunset kind of sky
Or the beautiful sunrise
But the 2pm, 3pm bright blue sky
The one with the nice bright clouds and wondering how nice it must be living up there
How nice it must be sleeping on the fluffy comfy clouds
And using them as trampolines
And reading nooks
As I go into higher realms of dimensions
I find myself finding you
Closer than you’ve ever been
I, closer than I’ve ever been
You do reach me yet I stay so blind in it
But I still look at sky
And I still play with the wind
Cause I have not yet found the answers to all my questions
But I’m slowly coming to realization that I might not need them at all
I don’t need the answers to be at peace
Or to be with you
Or to have you to live through me
So enjoy the nice fluffy comfy clouds
While I enjoy these homemade takeout fries
And your favourite song
Because maybe grieving isn’t about healing,
Maybe it’s about loving,
And incorporating in our lives what our deceased loved ones have taught us,
And what we so dearly loved about them.